The River of Life

A very short story I wrote during my service, about life, ambition, ethics and history.

Thank you Copilot for making translation much faster :)

In the River of Life, fish swim against the current.

Most fish swim all their lives just to stay in place, and when they tire and age, they are swept away with the current to the great sea, and are forgotten forever.
In rare cases, there are fish that manage to swim against the current and ascend the river; the strong ones who reached far and survived to tell say that the river has two sources:
One is a spring of Good, above which the angels of paradise sprinkle snow and cold that turn its waters as cold as ice.
The other is a spring of Evil, beneath which the demons of hell send fire and heat that make its waters boiling.
It is impossible to live in the waters of the springs, but both flow to one meeting point, merge, and become the waters of the river of life itself.

One small fry wanted to see the springs for himself, so he swam with all his might against the current.
The river is long, and as one ascends it becomes narrow and the current strengthens.
After many years of swimming against the current, the fry began to feel something strange; in certain currents where he swam, the water was warmer, and in others, colder.
Some of the currents were extreme enough to hurt him.
The fry learned to distinguish between the warm and cold currents and tended to swim along the seam lines between them, where the water is pleasant as it is down the river.

Although he became skilled, as the fry continued to ascend the stream, the warm and cold currents tended to twist and move wildly, it became harder and harder to stay on the seam lines while fighting against the current.
At first, he had to endure the pain for a few moments as he passed over a frozen or boiling current, but over time he got used to the pain and began to cross between the currents more and more.
The pain dulled the fry’s senses, until he could no longer distinguish between the frozen and boiling currents, only between pain and peace.

One day the currents split, at the top of the stream of each was a spring.
The fry finally reached the legendary springs and just now - he could not tell them apart.
All the fry knew was to swim against the current, so he chose the weaker current and continued to swim.

The pain intensified, the current strengthened, all the remaining strength of the fry almost ran out when suddenly the current weakened, the channel expanded and he entered the pool of the spring.
Although the current stopped, the pain only intensified, he barely managed to understand where he was.
White spheres shattered on the body of the fry and aroused in him a pain he did not recognize, but he did not know if the spheres were frozen hail falling from above or boiling steam bubbles rising from the bottom.
He wandered with the very last tha remained of his strength when he encountered another fish.

“Where are we?” the fry asked.
“In the spring, of course,” the stranger fish replied.
“Which spring? Of Good or of Evil?” the fry asked.
The fish pulled at its fins, “I do not know, but we will be remembered forever.”
As if on cue the pain changed again, the white spheres began to come out of the fry’s body, their white so bright that despite closing his eyes all he saw was a blinding white.
He felt his spirit detach from the body in an enormous outburst of spheres - and then peace. No more pain.
His body was swept away with the currents through the entire river and reached the great sea, it disappeared and was forgotten - but even if the fry did not wish for it, his spirit remained in the spring forever.